Toshi Nakamura's saved articles

Toshi Nakamura

I’d say it’s the best show of last season, it’s was just extremely well done. The raw amount of skill and budget that went into making it could have turned almost any concept into a great anime. The attention to detail in many place was astounding. Read more

Yes, no explosions or robots, but lots of moe and yuri. Read more

Don’t forget the best girl in the series. Who couldn’t resist her smile and quirks.

I actually played Euphonium in High School. Thanks to this anime, at least amongst anime fans, I won’t have to explain what that is anymore.
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I’ve not watched anything else from this season (I try to wait until the season is finished so I can binge watch series), but Hibike drew me in with the art. Read more

Thanks Toshi. Going to watch this now after reading your review on it :) I really enjoy Kyoani stuff be it Free, Chuunibyou, Beyond the Boundary or Hyoka. I just missed this kind of. Read more

I would say that this was my favorite anime of that season. Adventure, perverted shows, comedies, tragedies and more were showcased, but the amazing normalcy of this show was a hit with me among the hordes of shows. Kyoto Animation always strikes hard with their animation and this anime was no exception, and the Read more

While i see the buisness implications here in trying to divert and start doing a more easily executable product and churning out a few sequels after the initial game, (especially since it has been so relatively successful for so many franchises.) I have to say that I completely disagree and i feel like that while it Read more

People will make fun of this but it makes sense from a development standpoint as there is a lot of money that goes into making these games. Furthermore if one reads into the thinking the first two games are smaller affairs which is a radically different approach then Square Enix has employed in the past. I have a Read more

I’m sure that Iwata’s passing affected Sakurai a lot since he’s one of the few who started out with him in HAL Labs. If you think about it, if it weren’t for Iwata, we wouldn’t have gotten Smash Bros. Brawl, Smash 4, and Kid Icarus: Uprising. This was all possible because of Iwata’s friendship and understanding of Read more

He really sounds like the kind of boss I’d have liked to have. Some pretty awesome things he is saying there about him.

If I ever become anyone’s boss, I shall strive to be a boss as good as Mr Iwata. Read more

Just gonna throw this out there. Itagaki is still one of my fav devs from yesteryear. I still remember enjoying the ever-living hell out of DOA2, and made the first two xboxes day-1 purchases for me with the inclusion of a new DOA for each console on launch. Yeah, DOA was a relatively vapid fighting game compared to Read more

I want to see what the 13 regions of North America are divided into and how. I’ve always been fascinated by that kinda speculative future/cultural geography. Read more

Like Itagaki’s other games, the plot will be cheesy but will probably be unessential to the overall experience. Itagaki’s gameplay usually shines, but this looks dated, and simply not fun. Read more

The lack of a high/low component alone makes it play differently from any other traditional fighting game. This means that you can just block anything and don’t have to worry whether an attack will hit low or overhead. Attacking players will have to approach offense differently than they would in Tekken or Street Read more

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Looks fun, but i still reckon it needs polishing, tiny enviroments seem kind of dull.