Where does he get those wonderful toys?
Where does he get those wonderful toys?
Looks pretty nice character-wise. It's a nice mix of cutesy and erotic (given the camera angle) and it looks like a perfect motif for soft erotica camera gameplay. Their Bullet Girls had somewhat similar models though that game was a lot lewder at times. And Oneechanbara obviously going for a much bigger sexual…
It's actually about the ethics in school journalism. Read more
Hello, Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column that can tell you how to lower your AT…
"That's my child."
That is honestly really surprising to me. I'm not one of those guys who complains about Mac being OP in For Glory; I'm actually worse! I use him regularly and have something like 150 wins and 50 losses, which is my personal best winrate next to Toon Link, who is currently about 40-20. My most played character, Fox, is… Read more
I don't get the text but I'm laughing so hard a these.
Itachi was the ultimate Hyuuga all along.
I'm really excited for the new 3DS. The XL is gorgeous, but I'm more interested in the normal size. It's slightly larger than the 3DS, but not as enormous as the XL, meaning it will be easier for both my eyes and hands. I'm realm looking forward to playing smash on it! I'm also excited for the faceplates, though I… Read more
More definite proof that people pointlessly QQ about things? To be honest, I've never met a Little Mac that I wasn't able to defeat. I had no idea why some people thought the character was OP. Read more
I can't wait until I try out the improved 3D function. I always play my 3DS XL with the 3D slider on max, and sometimes it gets a bit annoying to have to keep my head in a certain position to maintain the stereoscopic effect. It is and always will be my favorite thing on the portable, and the fact that it is the only… Read more
Wake up Mr Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes.. Read more
For myself, I prefer the simplicity of a long sword and found the new weapons to be too complicated in an already chaotic battlefield. Not my cup of tea, but that's just my opinion. Read more
Now with the English sub titles I think that this is going to be the new bench mark for FF, it also answered a question I've had about if an FF7 remake ever did happen what would the world outside of Midgar look like and I think it'll look pretty much like what were going to see in FF15, so this game has me really… Read more
Watching this video, it feels like watching a Square version of Skyrim, with a flavoring of Monster Hunter, and done with a Final Fantasy flavor. I AM SO PUMPED!!! If I haven't gone next gen by the time these games come out, this will be when I jump aboard. Read more