Toshi Nakamura's saved articles

Toshi Nakamura

Question: As someone who just finished Persona4:Golden and had a blast, do the fighting games continue the story and characters in a positive way? In other words, are they enjoyable or should I avoid and preserve my memories of the Portal-perfection of the original? Read more

As my Japanese gets better I'm starting to consider importing games for the first time seriously and this series has always been high on the list. Especially with recent localization issues. Read more

damn he looks kind of messy when he was younger. His older self is more "clean" I guess it's meth.

1988 you say...? I smell a Shemue crossover coming....

"What about if I'm a european fan who wants to know spoilers as we'll never most likely get this game.." Read more

I have to say, even though I throw Nintendo hate around a bit, their games are surprisingly bug-free. They do an exemplary job with testing. Read more

I've read and watched thousands of hours of manga and anime, I thought nothing would ever surprise me. And I wake up today and see something I never dreamed I would see.... Read more

Hey man. Sometimes you want Braveheart, sometimes you want The Princess Bride, and sometimes you want Sharknado. Everything has its place. Read more

Next Comiket, I swear I'll pull that thing out. Read more

Even assuming the majority of attendees are on the incredibly wimpy side of fandom, SURELY a couple thousand have all tried to life that at some point at the same time and discovered it is in a cement block.

Maaaaan, I saw that head on that body and I freakin' lost it. Still laughing. I don't I'd be able to make it through reading it.

it's a 2004 Stephen Chow movie called kung fu hustle. That's jut one small part of the awesomeness of that movie! Read more

"So, Mr. Liefeld, we brought you to Japan to draw a romantic comedy. Sure you can do that?" Read more

While this doesn't necessarily excuse the existence of bugs – give me back my damn save data, Fallout: New Vegas – it does make you empathize with the hundreds of individuals who have to play the same parts over and over trying to find any bugs. "There are many reasons why a game's release date will be delayed, but Read more

Huh. I was waiting for the annoyingly typical "we are commited to bringing our fans the very best game we can offer, blah blah marketing talk blah blah politically correct boring crap". I get this breath of fresh air instead. I mean, it's still the same message (they want to bring the best they can do and whatever), Read more

Laughing my ass off from just this little bit. Read more