Wtf is that under the N64?
Japan's new video game museum, the Huis Ten Bosch Game Museum, opened earlier this month. Here's a look at what's…
First thing that came to mind...
Well after those .gifs I'm never sleeping again. Read more
I actually translated this manga for Del Rey. Based purely on this trailer, Izumi is really miscast. Guess we'll have to hope the upcoming anime adaption is better. Read more
I don't even know that I would call the scene where the woman's head is bitten off more realistic. For me part of the problem is that the CGI looks VERY obvious, so instead of being sucked into whatever's happening, you're distracted by the way everything looks like animated putty. I don't know. It's hard to… Read more
I can definitely see your point with the lady getting her head bit off. In the clip from the trailer it happens so quickly, there is no time for us to see or feel her dread and utter terror (and most likely a LOT of confusion) at what is going on. Maybe they figured it would be a good quick shock image for the… Read more
Ah I remember this manga, it was pretty much the only reason I picked up Kodansha for a few years (can't recall exact dates). Without watching the trailer, cuz I like my memories, the stills *look* accurate. Don't judge a movie by it's trailer, not every trailer blows all the money shots (migi shots)! Read more
I get what you mean. Somebody once showed me both the TV anime and the film adaptation of Cromartie High School. And it was like wow...these are both scene-for-scene carbon copies of the manga. Why would I sit and watch these? What's the point?! Read more
It doesn't matter how many examples of good free to play games there are. The fact is that making a game free to play introduces negative impulses when it comes to game design. Whether or not the end result is bad the fact is F2P gives designers the incentive to monetise every last bit of content they create. Not all… Read more
Like the author said, f2p can be good. My favorite current obsession is a f2p game called Mutants Genetic Gladiators. The art and character design is beautiful, the combat is more tactical and fun than probably any turn based RPG I've played, and it gives me a similar rush and feeling that I get with Pokémon, only… Read more
Really hope this is picked up for an international release. I've been craving a new Tri-Ace game for a long time. I'm willing to give this one a chance even if it's F2P. Read more
It's a futuristic action RPG! Check.
Any talk of bringing Yokai Watch to the states? Looks interesting. Read more
See those sales numbers, Nintendo is doomed I tell you, doomed! Read more