no, I didn't need to sleep, why do you ask?
no, I didn't need to sleep, why do you ask?
#sixseasonsandamovie Read more
Japanese media cites people's age all the time. I'm no cultural scholar, but I think it's originally done to establish seniority. Now it's done out of habit. Read more
It should be noted that Hearts of Iron III was an utterly disappointing game with atrocious AI problems and a tendency toward absurdly unrealistic outcomes, a problem that seems to plague the Clausewitz Engine as a general rule (with the notable exception of Crusader Kings II, which finally got the problem under… Read more
" One 30 year old gamer speculated that " Read more
Why pay 30 bucks to download a game from Steam when you could shell out ¥179,450 (Roughly US$1,760.76) for the…
Once again, the city is saved thanks to... The Powerpuff Girls.
Sounds interesting enough. I'll bite :D Read more
How many Twitter followers do you have? How many Facebook friends do you have? How many would be willing to die for…
DARPA and some of the other skunk works for the U.S. military are already well under way with research for this too. Military pilots can already use something similar in the more advanced visor displays. I'm sure other countries are well underway with similar research as well, as full situation awareness in combat… Read more
In Sakurai's opinion, the use of head-mounted displays like the Oculus Rift or Project Morpheus, while they may be good with free-moving FPS games, are better suited for games where the direction of movement is fixed, like with driving games. "Because, having two concepts of direction – like with movement of a tank… Read more
This week in his semi-weekly column, Super Smash Bros. creator, Masahiro Sakurai talks about VR technology and how…
Hello, Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column with a gamerscore that's over 9000.
This depiction managed to stir up the hornet's nest. According to Japanese news site Ebisoku, soon after the magazine hit the racks, the publisher, Shogakukan, was flooded with complaints and criticism that the manga was showing Fukushima in an exaggerated negative light. Read more