Toshi Nakamura's saved articles

Toshi Nakamura

I'd actually enjoy this to come to the Wii U :D Read more

Yo dad. Sorry i ate u.

it doesnt matter they've gotten EVERY other ps before us, now its our turn! especially the us, which is the origin spot of gaming in the first place! and japanese devs have had trouble adapting to last gen, and it shows! (most jap games this gen have been handheld) they need time to adapt to this Read more

a shame the 3DS and the WiiU's touch screen lacks pressure sensitivity if at least to get varying line width... but this is still a cool idea Read more

Obvious omission is obvious.

Well, 4 is an unlucky number in Japan, so, yeah. How unlucky of them to get the PS4 last. Read more

I'm confused, I was hoping to discover WHY it would have come there first, or under what circumstances. This whole article can be boiled down to one single quote "we suggested they release it in Japan first", which I knew that from the headline. Read more

America gets the system first, but we don't get any of the games the Japanese developers are launching when the game launches there. Read more

Seeing as japan gets an absolute ton of Vita exclusives that the rest of the world never gets a look into, i'll take them waiting for the PS4 as fair game. Read more

Honestly with that weak release lineup we all could've waited a few extra months.
Don't get me wrong. I love the device and I'm excited for what's to come but I currently have no real reason to own one. Hell I still use my PS3 more.
If It wasn't going to be an inevitable part of my entertainment center I'd almost feel a Read more

The infinite loop proves that they're "Indestructible".

They shouldn't feel left out they're being saved from having a console that's not been mass tested yet and has a small library of games. Read more

Even with the absence of PS4 here in Japan I don't think Xbox One can sell well here. It's just sooo not popular here. Not even a poster nor any ad on the Xbox One. Tooons of PS4 posters and ads everywhere even before its release. Read more

Can someone, anyone, tell me why Sony, a company rooted in Japan, made their "home-town" fans wait 3 months to buy their new console? This blows my mind. Read more

The PS4 has already sold 4.2 million since launch? Jesus. Didn't Microsoft recently announce they just got to 3 million? Read more

There's no competition in Japan anyways. Nobody wants Xbox and WiiU isn't selling well. They knew they could wait and fill more orders overseas where there is big competition with xbone Read more

Any chance this could come to iOS devices? Read more

I think releasing in the West first was a good business choice. You don't want consumers in the west to pick up an Xbox one just because there are no PS4 availables. The PS4 will, without a doubt sell in the Japan more than Xbox one. So there is no need be release there first. Just makes sense especially since Sony Read more