Steve Marinconz's saved articles

Steve Marinconz
Now playing

I submitted this last week and was really hoping it'd make the cut -__-

Now playing

I know it's an older clip. But here is my lucky throwing knife kill. COD: MW3 -IXI- Throwing Knife Kill on Foundation …:

This reminds me of this one particular moment when I used to play copious amounts of Halo 3 multiplayer when I was in high school. I was playing team death match on Valhalla. Near the end of the match, as I was at the highest point of the mid-air arc when I took the grav-lift, I no scoped(I try to avoid using that Read more

Now playing

Haha. Gotta love supply drop kills. Just uploaded a new video, at 2:30 I get a pretty sweet shoulder charge streak

Yesterday i was playng good ol' nba jam, the first one, the game ended with a 3 points from the other side of the court by charles barkley and it was a draw. First overtime the same thing with the cpu, second i was winning and in the last second another 3 points from the other side. From this day on im never ever Read more

In Battlefield 2, as Commander, I once dropped a supply crate on an enemy sniper who somehow failed to move despite the fact that those things come down SO SLOW and you can totally see them coming because they cast a HUGE goddamn shadow. Read more

Once again great clips! LcNcKc you later! Read more

I got legit smashed by a supply drop the other day. I was sad :( Read more

The Destiny clip where the guy manages to not die after jumping off the ledge, only to get rammed back to his death after trying to jump back up. I LOLed. Read more

Now playing

True. I'll wait for a good one. My kills with akimbo are nothing new.

Now playing

While playing MUT on Madden the other day, I had a defensive lineman turn into a body slamming salmon:

No, it is merely a shadow of a true Chaos Dunk. Read more

I can't decide which is more impressive on the Driveclub clip. 1) That the driver can drive away, or 2) That the driver stuck the landing. Read more

Now playing

That Destiny glitch has happened to me too:

Is that the Charles Barkley Chaos Dunk? Read more

Now playing

I lost it. I truly did. Now my coworkers are looking at me and I can't even explain the joke.

Lovely! Is it just me or are the submissions getting better. *excited* Whohoo Read more