Steve Marinconz's discussions

Steve Marinconz

Haha that's fine! Yeah, the venn diagrams of '60fps clips' and 'clips worth posting' don't overlap a ton just yet Read more

I'm sure it wasn't the first time it's ever happened, but the video of it happening was pretty fun to watch, so we threw it in. Read more

We can't make 60fps out of clips that are 30! Chris played Lords of the Fallen, I'm sure he'll reply to you when he gets back from lunch. Read more

Now playing

If we had known people would take the name so seriously, I would've definitely held out until we had something different. The point of HR is to show off cool things that have happened in games. That doesn't just mean a great clutch play, sometimes it's just something really funny, or something unusual someone found.

I'll point out again that our post was just talking about the other articles and had a big bold section that specified they didn't mean all gamers: Read more

The problen is, yes, they are saying we are all this bad. They have been from the start. Thats what caused gamergate. Read more

I came to reply to your comment because our notifications system only shows us the beginning of each comment. It's a perfect example of how many of these discussions go. First paragraph: polite compliment, a nice setup for a civil discussion. Second paragraph: valid concern that we could discuss. Third paragraph: Read more

Except Occupy started as a protest against the banks. Gamergate started as part of a bunch of people witchunting a woman after her ex posted a bunch of information about her. The first use of the tag came when Adam Baldwin tweeted it along with Quinnspiracy videos. We addressed the accusations against us, Stephen sat Read more

Nobody is stating that YOU'RE that bad. What everyone keeps trying to point out is that this whole thing started out with the harassment of these women, and if everyone keeps rallying under that name, the movement will be forever linked to that. Read more

If your clips don't make it into the reel, you're always welcome to post youtube links the comments, and I'll make sure to recommend them! Read more

Did you watch the video? Or read the text of the post? It's not 3Ds, it was on Melee, it was at a live tournament and there was live video of the players on the screen. Read more

Freako started by deleting the character models for Joel and his brother Tommy. Read more

The road stops loading eventually, so he can't. Maybe in the next video! Read more

Well first things first, I'm actually a video editor (it says so here). I don't point that out as an excuse, just because calling me a writer is an insult to actual writers. Not expecting you to know that. Read more