Steve Marinconz's discussions

Steve Marinconz

Due to Kinja being generally a pain in the ass, I can't find out why you were unfollowed. I just spent ten minutes going through your comments. We have a very simple comment policy, which is don't attack other people and be generally civil. We don't care if you disagree with us, and we've all had good conversations on Read more

No, it took me about 5 minutes to post this, and we like posting funny things because (believe it or not) we're normal people who like sharing funny things with our audience! Shockingly, this post (and all other posts you say 'slow day' to) did not detract from 'real' posts in any way. Thanks for your concern! Read more

I hope you're happy, I just went back and added numbers to the title of all 37 YouTube videos. So tedious! :p Read more

They must be, but I've seen game designers trying to figure out for sure, because if you've played the game, there are many holes which feel really intentionally designed. It could be that they were randomly generated and then some of the initial 1,000 were tweaked. Read more

I didn't learn about it from games writers, I found it from programmers and designers I follow on Twitter. I don't know how well it's sold, but when I downloaded it I immediately got why they were so intrigued by it. Read more

I can't find your submission (I assume it was under a different name?) but the answer is that it depends on how much commentary, what you're saying, what the clip is, and what other clips we have for that episode. But everyone is encouraged to post their videos in the comments, and I'll recommend any I see! Read more

I only linked to him because he made the initial accusation, so turning around on his own accusation seems pretty relevant. The polygon article I linked to also confirms the FBI are investigating. Read more

It's not about feeling emotional. It's about having human decency and also the difference between wanting to actually get answers to the questions you're asking rather than to just keep spreading the idea that people are faking these threats. If your actual goal is to discuss the topic, then you can do 60 seconds of Read more

"This just seems to srike a nerve". Yes, because someone literally threatened a massacre of dozens of people. Read more

Before asking a question? No, by all means, ask away. But before speculating that someone who has been receiving death threats for two years now (they started back when her Kickstarter launched) is faking them? Then you do some research, because idle speculation does not "add to the conversation" in most cases, Read more

I'm a big fan of Nuclear Throne, and for some reason these certain enemies had terrible aim. In one of the updates they pointed out that they had them aiming at your cursor instead of your actual character (it's a top-down shooter). I love learning little bits about how games work like that. Read more

Fahey tested it for us, it doesn't work everywhere, probably just in certain spots due to the terrain or something along those lines. Read more

The guy that I linked to above is not a "random guy". He's a journalist for the website Breitbart, and he was also one of the people accusing Anita of fake threats. If the person accusing her of this did the research and said she was telling the truth, what more do you want? Read more