Steve Marinconz's discussions

Steve Marinconz

You can put it right here yourself, or give me a link and I happily will! Read more

Now you see why it's hard for us to keep up too! But there's more games to come, so send in your favorite moments! Read more

We've already got one clip in the comments, if you've got any other highlights, send them to! Read more

That's what we have you for! We'll definitely be keeping an eye out for TI4 highlights, but always feel free to add clips in the comments or send them to Read more

I never said women need it for Hearthstone. I was explaining the possible reasoning for it in general, since it does exist other places. Read more

Queer doesn't have to involve sex changes or anything, it's a general way to describe people whose sex/gender/romance/etc is different from the norm so that they don't have to go into detail in a comments section about what exactly they identify as. Read more

Hey, people are allowed to be squicked out by things they don't enjoy themselves, that's fine. Read more

I get where you're coming from. From anything I've seen though, neither the other commenter or I were saying women should HAVE TO play in separate leagues, just that one model used some places is a general league where men and women can compete and a women-only league to encourage participation. If anyone says you Read more

The different game lineups made absolutely no sense, everything they were doing was stupid. I was only talking about the chess model, where women can openly compete against men. It's not a perfect solution, but it seems well-intentioned from what I've read. Read more

Totally. I'm not saying it's a perfect solution, just that it's well-intentioned. Read more

No, I was trying to make a comparison that didn't involve gender. The majority of CS players have been playing it forever, so coming in as newbie is intimidating. Going to an all-male tournament can be similarly intimidating for a woman because they often get harassed regardless of their skill level. Read more

I'm confused. The person you replied to said that they don't mind separate leagues as long as there's a unisex league, no? Am I reading someone's comments wrong? Read more

Not really sure what you're saying is misquoted or biased in the article. Jason's post specifically points out that people are jumping the gun and getting angry at the wrong person. Your weird bias is making you not see that I guess? Read more

Because in practice, the general league IS the men's league. As I said, it's to encourage women to participate, not to give them something special. Whenever people say "why don't men get their own league" or "why isn't there a white history month", they're ignoring the fact that the separate focus is created in Read more