Steve Marinconz's discussions

Steve Marinconz

The game was designed around having these bots integrated into the matches. They aren't going away. As for hearing the lines over and over again, I played for probably 2 hours straight specifically trying to record lines from them, and not only did I not hear any repeats, I also didn't hear any of the lines that other Read more

Hahaha this is great! I played so many matches trying to catch more of these, but they must limit it so they don't happen too often. Read more

That's crazypants. There's nothing about this game that's specifically related to mobile, it makes perfect sense on PC. Before making this video, I left the game running and would go back to it to take breaks from work. And regarding your examples: Candy Crush started on Facebook, then was ported to mobile later. Read more

There's only the gravity mechanic in the game, but some of the stuff I saw from later in the game uses it in pretty crazy and creative ways. Don't write it off just yet. Read more

Not sure why that's happening, but it seems to be working for me. Try again now? I've noticed these comments sometimes when people check the video right away, but I haven't been able to figure out why. Read more

I love it! Someone did a Typing Of The Dead speedrun at AQDQ this year, but I missed it. Read more

That's the one with the MP5 instead of a pistol right? Fear not, you're not the only one who remembers it. Maybe Time Crisis 2 should've been my example. Read more

I know your pain. I used to do this against my friends in Empire Earth. Every game ended with an island full of AA guns and a cloud full of nuclear bombers. Read more

I need more detailed tips! I've played this against my cousin more times than I can count, and I've probably only beaten him twice. Teach me! Read more