Nethlem's discussions


Imho the CPU is always the worst place to save money on as it's usually the part that will hold out the longest in a PC and an upgrade down the line often requires a new mobo+ a lot of work. Read more

"Indeed, Steam's latest user survey indicates that only 53% of gamers are running a 64-bit operating system." Read more

"America's eventual acceptance of gay marriage which will mainstream it in countries where gay rights are still in their infancy" Read more

"And it was always deemed to be a country -" Read more

I never said it is NOT a single country, but maybe you should read up on your own countries history and realize that what we consider the USA today is in historical terms is a lose collection of colonial cultures and states that banded together over the course of decades. Read more

Well tbh many people also don't consider the US a single country, seeing as it is very fractured not just in culture but also legislation trough all the different states. Read more

And why should anybody care about WWII? How about this: Maybe the people voting cared about the genocide of the native american population? Living much in the past do we? Read more

Uhm what? Where am i generalizing? And where exactly is it cynical? Read more

"At the end of the day, games need to be games first, even at the risk of having superb gameplay and a really, really weird story (e.g., Dark Souls)." Read more

Because everybody knows that only PC games suffer from bugs that break the game, patches that render savegames useless and annoying long installations. Consoles never ever suffer from these issues they are so easy to use and never break! Read more

You are welcome! I also love these kind of quotes and where they come from, history is such an interesting learning tool :) Read more

Yeah i saw that recently, that's an pretty valid point and neat addition to the game. Read more

By now it doesn't really matter anymore. Read more

Yup i'm thinking along the same lines, Hyperplayer will maybe be for those people that got some serious coding skills and enables them to "hack each other" in multiplayer? Kinda like an way more advanced version of Uplink with multiplayer and build into an Space sim. Read more

"You only need Operation Arrowhead to play" Read more

This kinda sounds like the zombie game i always wanted.. Read more