@Samurai Kappa: I've never been a huge Nintendo guy (never beat a Zelda til Twilight Princess) and there's yet to be a killer app for me. Read more
@Samurai Kappa: I've never been a huge Nintendo guy (never beat a Zelda til Twilight Princess) and there's yet to be a killer app for me. Read more
@Count_Zero_Interrupt: Shoot-out in a developing country, car chase, snow level. Nothing I haven't seen before, in a Bourne or a Bond. Read more
@TaylorEatWorld: I wanted to help! But I didn't want to get in her pants. Read more
@SixTwoSixFour: Tali is who I like most, but Shepard is like, 10 years older and a lot more sensible than I am. Read more
@TaylorEatWorld: Jack is no good at having friends. I always saved before talking to her as I didn't want to accidentally trigger a "Aite we're dating now" or a "Fuck off!" Read more
@SixTwoSixFour: Tali is sweet, but it really feels like you're taking advantage of her hero worship. Read more
@TheRealDoshu: It's about 2 hours? There is a lot of content squeezed in there though; two boss fights, some great set pieces, a lot of banter and upon completion dossiers that provide some welcome fleshing out on your crew members. Read more
@Sam fisher's a aimbot: Err, can't refute/defend it if I don't know what the actual argument is. Read more