Well, I do enjoy innovation... and Katamari wasn't exactly easy to explain, either. Read more
Nintendo's had some pretty nice ones out for the DS since the launch of the original (and you didn't need to keep your DS in while playing!). I haven't looked at PSP cases too much (I don't know many who have), but it does look like a nice option for either system. Read more
Mario Kart Wii and Mirror's Edge don't belong on there. Haven't played Prince of Persia, but I hear good things. Read more
Finally, someone gets it. The video game industry has put out ratings to use. I don't remember the last time I went to a video game retailer (GameStop, Best Buy, FYE, etc.) that didn't have the ESRB contents listed somewhere visible. Read more
I have to make it to Winter Break first! Next week is finals week! Read more
Why do they need a PSP2 when they can just introduce the PSP-4000 in a few months? Read more
I'm a fan of the business card holder and binoculars. Not that I'd be 100% sure what to do with either of them, I just love tchotchkes! Read more
Sackboy is the new Mr. Potato Head. Instead of different pieces, you download different costumes. Read more
Well, it's better than friend codes, but that's not saying much. I hope they'll allow using the DS mic and WiiSpeak for talking with friends. Read more
Person from 3D-OZ Corp. said "we are going to listen various voices from users through G star experience session so the game is going to be innovated more high quality music game. Also, it is going to be a real music game that users can be participated and making together." Read more
I'm sure they'll throw in more ads, as well. They have every opportunity to throw in something that takes us to a page to make a microtransaction. Somewhere between Now Playing and Friends List, you get the point. Read more
I hear more and more that the iPhone is going to become a threat to the DS and PSP, and for awhile I've been brushing that off completely. But seeing bigger titles continuously coming to the iPhone is starting to make me wonder what happens down the road when the next generation of portables come out - will we stay on… Read more
@ReconToaster.: Agreed. Video games have transcended being "toys" a long time ago. They've evolved into their own category of entertainment. Read more
What's that? Two copies of Pictochat? Read more