Tim Rogers's discussions

Tim Rogers
I make videos for Kotaku. I make video games for myself and my friends. I like writing fiction. Someday I will publish a novel. Who knows!

Yeah, I have Tressa as my protagonist in one save and Ophilia in the other. I played nearly ten hours of each and then went back to Tressa. I like the weirdly tricky abilities she gets. It makes her sort of the “gambler” character. One of her abilities is “Donate BP”—it lets her give an extra Boost Point to someone. Read more

To clarify: even if you don’t skip all the dialogue, you will go from zero to four party members in under four hours. If you do skip it all, you can have four characters in two hours.
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Skip all the dialogue. The game is all combat. Once you have four characters the combat gets incredibly difficult. This is not the best game for there to be a demo of, in my opinion, if they’re trying to sell it on the strength of the writing.
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lmao i literally started a solophilia quest last night
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Play the demo! It’s the full game, time locked to 3 hours. It lets you keep your save file! Read more

I gotta say, having played the game a LOT and having *OWNED* the *GARBAGE* out of both Bravely Defaults (and Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light, if that counts for anything (lol)), that this combat system is hilariously not watered down. It’s just that you need a full party to really see it. It gets completely wild when Read more

Please watch my video next week for a snippy linguistic assessment of H’aanit’s dialogue :-D
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Clearly you haven’t seen how long the boss intro dialogues can get. An extra three lines would just be a drop in the bucket.
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Yeah, personally, I’m not looking for every mission to be drastically different based on your exact party configuration. At the very least, they could have given the characters like *one* line each, like, I don’t know, in the middle of the pre-boss-fight dialogue.
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It *absolutely* scales. I’m about 25 hours in, myself. I played all of the prologues separately (like an idiot (please: don’t do it that way)) and then started a real game, and yeah, the boss of one character’s prologue is definitely twice as hard with two party members, three times as hard with three party members, Read more

Ah, the motorcycles tend to have really aggressive “Rush” abilities: one of them, for example, leaves a wall of fire that, like, insta-wrecks opponents. Read more

all i said was that it’s a joke; i never said it was supposed to be funny
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Heh, yeah, obviously that’s the correct answer. My workshopping here is presuming that someone high up insisted it had to be a “Funny Story”.
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Naw man it’s cool—Warren Beatty is *extremely* An Acquired Taste, and that film is The Most Warren Beatty Warren Beatty Film Ever Made. I just gotta say I appreciate when a person becomes more and more, you know, themselves as they get older. A lot of people become more and more everyone else as they get older. I Read more

Wow, you’re the first person I’ve ever seen say, uh, anything about that movie. Read more

Ah, yeah, I wanted to dig into this a little bit more, though basically what I mean is, maybe Star Wars should try making some of those bigger split up multi-thread plots, instead of sticking to The Death Star, The People Who Stole The Plans To The Death Star, The People Who Used The Plans To The Death Star, etc. They Read more

Or he coulda had a war story in which his co-pilot died and everyone cheers him for having finished a difficult mission flying “solo”. And then it becomes his nicklastname . . . just, almost anything woulda been better, man . . .
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