Tim Rogers's discussions

Tim Rogers
I make videos for Kotaku. I make video games for myself and my friends. I like writing fiction. Someday I will publish a novel. Who knows!

Thanks for the feedback . . . I have screencapped it and will add it to my portfolio of “evidence” Read more

Hmm . . . I see what you’re saying, though I personally do think it’s a “good” game. I find the controls pretty consistent. It’s the geometry of the level that is maddeningly inconsistent. And sure, the game is a bit of a joke—about a man in a pot climbing a mountain made of trash using only a Yosemite hammer—though Read more

I genuinely dislike it. I mean, I don’t *hate* it. It’s just . . . there’s too much going on in there. I guess it’s really, really hard to make a Zelda game—they have a lot of stuff going on, though they’re so chill about it. Okami feels like Zelda went to business school. Read more

oh, uh, see the . . . caption under the video for an explanation of that Read more

I . . . don’t know why The Young Pope isn’t also nominated for best limited series. That’s totally wrong. :-( Read more

Yeah, though Rex, despite his awe at seeing “Drivers...?! And...Blades?!” actually doesn’t know the mechanism by which Drivers forge Blades (which is, they touch a Core Crystal (like the one Pyra has on her chest)), and if their . . . soul? possesses the proper potential, the crystal turns into a Blade the form of Read more

thanks for letting me know! gizmodo media group HR will be contacting you at some point in the next five minutes to hire you as my replacement Read more

lol, that’s a spoiler though . . . i didn’t want to spoil gramps’ identity / nature . . . Read more

There’s always the chance that someone completely, totally, babyishly new to the very idea of this type of game might be ensnared by the graphics, the music, or the concept . . . on a business level, the makers of big-budget games are never in a position to underestimate that possibility! Read more

I honestly feel like, right now, it’s incredibly easy to study Japanese. The subtitles on Crunchyroll are generally fairly literal. There’s a million apps for learning hiragana, katakana, and kanji. And there are a bunch of huge engrossing videogames like Persona, Xenoblade, and Yakuza to play and be immersed in. I am Read more

yeah, it’s a big, huge, “full-sized” RPG. they don’t make a whole lot of those these days. if you are hungry for one, well, here it is. and yeah, the battle system is enormous. my friend on twitter likened it to a pinball machine—with all sorts of little bonuses and modifiers lighting up at times that seem random, Read more

Hmm, I see where you’re coming from, though (in my opinion, at least) a cornerstone of Doom has always been turbo-fast movement. I can turn with a mouse a billion times faster than I can turn my real body. Doom VFR makes some allowances for this speed difference, though it doesn’t make 100% of an allowance. The Read more

ah, man, i had to RAGE-STAR your comment to point out that alpha industries is trash. their jackets are disgustingly poor quality and made of nothing resembling authentic materials. my jacket is a buzz rickson. lol Read more

I love telefragging, though how could I possibly ever take off this jacket? It’s made by obsessive Japanese replicators on the exact looms and sewing machines the US government used to make the Air Force’s flight jackets between 1957 and 1972. It’s made of new-old-stock heavy-duty government issue nylon twill . . . Read more