Okay, so maybe last night’s Saturday Night Live skit has a point. At least I open mine.
I’m not actually much of a Star Wars toy collector. I attended those Force Friday events a couple months back to pick up some new LEGO sets, but aside from Rebels I’m pretty Luke-warm (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...no) on the franchise as a whole.
Hasbro has sent me a few cool things as part of their ongoing Dark Side / Light Side PR campaign (I chose dark), but not one of them remains boxed. Why, just this morning one of my four-year-old’s proudly proclaimed “I hit Archer!”, took Kylo Ren’s plastic lightsaber and bonked his brother over the head. The adult collectors in last night’s Saturday Night Live skip would have had fits had they seen it.
Yes, it’s a stereotypical portrayal of adult collectors, but it raises an interesting point—action figure companies don’t really need to market to older toy lovers. We just buy their stuff anyway. Sure they do things like Force Friday or release Comic-Con exclusives they know only us older folks would go after, but it’s a largely unspoken bond between company and collector. It’s like we’re saying “I love you” and Hasbro just smoothly nods and replies, “I know.” Okay, so I’m warming to the whole Star Wars thing.
What I really want to know is how they de-aged Andy Samberg for this.
Contact the author of this post via the Force, at fahey@kotaku.com or find him on Twitter @bunnyspatial.