College can be expensive—ridiculously so. Most people can't afford college, and those who can sometimes end up paying the price of entry for years to come. You know what can make mad cash, enough to pay for college and then some? Selling popular Team Fortress 2 items.
A writeup on PC Gamer profiles a number of TF2 modders that have made popular items. One guy made enough that he can probably afford a Lambo and still have plenty left over. Another woman, Shaylyn Hamm, decided to make TF2 items as a part of a competition. [Edit: this originally said that it was a part of an internship.]
This is how she ended up creating the Saharan Spy pack. You might have heard of it. It has stuff like Your Eternal Reward in it, which is a fantastic knife for the Spy class. That was two years ago, and it made Shaylyn enough money to pay for some of her higher education.
"All told," she explained to PC Gamer, "I've made enough money from everything in the past few years to set me on the path to paying off my (extremely expensive) education. And that is pretty amazing, since it's generally not something that many people with fine arts degrees are fortunate enough to say!"
Curious if any hopefuls will try to replicate her success with the specific intent of paying for college. If nothing else, it might make for an experience that translates well to a college essay!
Tales from the Steam Workshop: we talk to modelers making six figure sums [PC Gamer]