BIG BALLS | OSAKA, JAPAN: Tanuki statues available for purchase, complete with the required large nards. (Photo: Brian Ashcraft)
PS3 Hackers Begin Targeting Sony Executive's Personal Information Not content with attacking Sony's commercial websites and the PlayStation Network itself, a group of activists has now turned its sights on obtaining the personal information of a number of Sony executives.
No, You Cannot Do This Michael Jackson Move In the Smooth Criminal video, Michael Jackson and his dancers do a cool lean move that defies gravity. Even Jackson, a brilliant dancer in his own right, couldn't do it without the help of special shoes. So why is game developer Ubisoft including it in its trailer for its game Michael Jackson: The Experience?
Dhalsim, I Hope You Can See What's Coming Brazilian artist Victor Hugo Queiroz, who we last saw throwing Ryu into a decidedly unfair fight, is back with another amazing Street Fighter piece, this time pitting Blanka against Dhalsim.
Bad Company 2 Makes Statistics Look Sexy Simi Zeko is a man who studies graphic design and computers. So when a college project had him combining the two, he decided to present some Battlefield: Bad Company 2 statistics in a very fetching way.
Is The 3DS Going To Be Okay? New product launches are rough. The launch for the Nintendo 3DS went off well, it seems. However, the weeks that've followed continue to raise concern.
My seven year-old kid, Mini-Bash, starts second grade this week. I remember second grade! I liked it better than first, but not as much as I liked third grade. No clue why. –Brian Ashcraft
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