Pencel Games, the London-based developer of Xbox Live Indie game Gerbil Physics has a firm grasp on one universal truth - nothing says "I love you" like a heart-shaped box full of gerbils.
Gerbil Physics is a game all about physics...and gerbils. Going beyond the title, it's a game about using tools to solve puzzles using adorable little rodents as building blocks. Blow them up, knock them over, and smash them against things in order to get the job done. It's as adorable as it is enthralling, and, as many Xbox Live Indie titles, doesn't get half the recognition it deserves.
So Pencel takes a stab at marketing with this nifty little poster, which can be downloaded, printed, emailed, and circulated, hopefully with a link where folks can queue up a demo version of the game for download on Xbox Live, such as this one.