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Tekken, Fan-Made, Live-Action, Right Here!

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We know that Kill Bill's Chiaki Kuriyama won't be in that Tekken movie (whenever the heck it's released), but we're assuming that Hollywood will again crush our hearts and make us sad. This fan film on the other hand...

The DIY folks at Quantumoptic Productions whipped this up for a G4 video game trailer contest, but didn't make the deadline. "This movie will not actually be made. We have no affiliation with Bandai Namco nor do we posses any rights to the Tekken franchise," says the trailer's YouTube page. "We apologize for a lot of missing characters. Especially main characters like Heihachi. Also, the ethnicity of some of the characters."

Take a look, this is impressive stuff for low budge, off the cuff filmmaking — especially the locations and fight choreography. Hollywood, take note!


Live Action Tekken trailer is beyond Epic! [PlayStation University Thanks, David!]