Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time was released on the DS and the Wii. How did Square Enix port it over? Easily.
The game's director Mitsuru Kamiyama explained at the recent CEDEC game conference in Japan, "The DS version was the original source code, we made a system that automatically generated the Wii version." This system is called the Pollux Engine, and it seems fancy.
Even though the Wii and the DS are using the same data, the Wii handles the data differently (obviously) and renders graphics differently (ditto). Guess this means look forward to more DS-Wii-ports?
【CEDEC 2009】恐るべき開発技術が、Wii/DSで『FFCC EoT』を動かした/ゲーム情報ポータル:ジーパラドットコム [Gpara via Siliconera]