Speccing out your party in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is essential to surviving its toughest fights. While weapons, armor, and accessories will go a long way to boosting stats, the magical orbs known as materia pack even greater resources for buffing your party in the midst of a fight to gain an edge, raise their defenses, or even render some enemy attacks ineffective.
Read More: FF7 Rebirth’s Best Healing and Revival Materia (and Where to Find Them)
Regardless of their color categories, I’ve rounded up the best materia for the purposes of aiding your party in ways that aren’t just about healing or casting offensive spells. Let’s have a look!
Barrier Materia
Barrier, as you might expect, lets you cast a Barrier around you or an ally. At the starting level, it halves physical damage. At level two, you can cast Manaward to cut magic damage in half. At third level you can cast Manawall, which cuts both physical and magical damage in half. You can find it in the following places:
- Purchasable from item and materia vendors starting in chapter six
- Reward for “Cosmo Region Intel: Level 1” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
- In Shinra Manor
Empowerment Materia
Empowerment materia will let you cast Bravery or, when it hits level two, Faith. The first boosts your Attack while the second boosts your Magic. You can find Empowerment in the following places:
- Cait Sith’s starting loadout
- Purchasable from most item and materia shops in chapter six and later
- Third floor of the Coal Mines’ Railway Control Tower
- Earn an A-Rank in a performance of “Two Legs? Nothin’ To It” on piano
- In the Chamber of Sacrifice in the Cave of the Gi
Fortification Materia
Fortification materia lets you cast two classic Final Fantasy spells: Protect and Shell. The former reduces physical damage while the latter reduces magic damage. While Barrier and Shell protect against both more effectively, Protect and Shell last longer. You can find Fortification materia in the following locations:
- Purchasable from most item and materia shops from chapter six and later
- Found on the south balcony of the Shinra-8’s “Luxury Floor”
- In the Shrine of Enmity in the Cave of the Gi
Item Economizer Materia
Item Economizer lets you use items without needing to fill the ATB gauge. The higher the level of the materia, the more often you can use items without ATB. You can find Item Economizer materia in the following locations:
- Develop with Chadley from Junon Region Intel (30 points for the first orb, 60 for the second)
ATB Boost Materia
With ATB Materia, you can boost the rate at which a party member’s ATB gauge charges during combat. You activate it by pressing L1 and R1 simultaneously. You can find ATB Boost materia from the following locations:
- Develop with Chadley from Corel Region Intel from chapter seven onwards (15 points for the first one, 30 for the second)
Time Materia
Time materia doubles as both a buff and debuff. At its starting level it will let you cast Haste, which speeds up your movement. At higher levels you can use it to cast Slow and Stop, to slow down and stop and enemy, respectively. You can find Time materia from the following locations:
- Purchasable from most item and materia vendors from chapter 10 onwards
- Earn Rank III in the Costa del Sol minigame Pirate’s Rampage, Brigantine edition
- Reward for “Nibel Region Intel: Level 1” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
Magic Efficiency Materia
Magic Efficiency materia reduces your MP cost when casting spells the materia is linked with. You can find it in the following location:
- Develop from Chadley in the Junon Region
Magnify Materia
If you’re familiar with the original FF7, Magnify is basically “All” materia. When linked with any green magic materia, it will let you select multiple targets while casting or just one. For example, you could link it to Fire materia to have it attack multiple enemies at once. Alternatively, you could link it with Healing materia to cast Cure on everyone in the party. Or, you could link it to something like Time materia to cast Haste on everyone in the party (or Slow against every enemy you’re fighting). You can find Magnify materia here:
- Part of Cait Sith’s starting loadout
- Reward for completing the “Victim of Circumstance” side-quest in Cosmo Canyon
- Reward for completing “Brutal Challenge: Hellions’ Intonement”
Level Boost Materia
Link Level Boost materia to another materia orb and you’ll up its level by one. You can find Level Boost materia in the following locations:
- Part of Cait Sith’s starting loadout
- On sale from the Battle Square store at the Gold Saucer (2,500 GP)
- Reward for completing the “Missing: Mr. Birdie” side-quest in Corel
- Purchasable from the Moogle Emporium after hitting Merchant Rank 5
- Reward for “Cosmo Battle Intel: Nature’s Vengeance” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
- On the second floor of the Chocobo Sage Manor in the Nibel Region
AP Up Materia
When linked with another materia orb, AP Up will double the amount of AP you’ll earn from battle. You can find AP Up in the following places:
- In the Mythril Mines after the party splits up
- Reward for “Corel Battle Intel: Badlands Beasts” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
- Reward for “Nibel Battle Intel: Chthonian Rondo” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
- Reward for “Six-Person Bouts: Ululating Quartet” in the Musclehead Colosseum
Magic Focus Materia
You’ll want to link Magic Focus with a green (Magic) materia. This will increase the effectiveness of it, including offensive spells and Healing materia. You can find Magic Focus Materia from the following location:
- Develop with Chadley from Junon Region in chapter nine
Auto-Cast Materia
You can equip Auto-Cast to any magic materia to allow a character you’re not controlling in battle to automatically cast that spell. You can find Auto-Cast in the following Locations:
- Develop with Chadley from Grasslands Region Intel
Swiftcast Materia
Swiftcast dramatically reduces the time it takes to cast the spell of a linked orb of materia. You can find Swiftcast at the following location:
- Develop with Chadley from the Meridian Ocean Region
Synergy Materia
When you link Synergy materia with an orb of Magic materia on an ally you’re not controlling in battle, they will automatically cast that same spell when you do. So if you link it with Ice on Barret and cast Blizzard as Cloud, Barret will cast Blizzard too. You can get Synergy materia from the following location:
- Develop with Chadley from the Cosmo Canyon Region in chapter 10
Elemental Materia
When you link Elemental materia with a spell in a weapon slot, you’ll imbue that weapon with a matching elemental attack. You can find Elemental materia from the following locations:
- “Reward for Junon Battle Intel; Conqueror of the Skies” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
- “Reward for Gongaga Battle Intel: Distant Tremors” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
- “Reward for Brutal Challenge: Requiem for the Scorned” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
Warding Materia
When linked with an elemental magic spell, you’ll be able to reduce incoming damage from magic attacks of that elemental affinity. At max level, it will make a character immune to such attacks. You may find Warding materia from the following locations:
- Purchasable from most item and materia shops from chapter 10 onwards
- Finish the side-quest “Dreaming of Blue Skies” in Junon
- Earn an A-Rank on “Barret’s Theme” on the piano
- In Gongaga, just north of the village
- On a cliff edge in Mt. Nibel
MP Up Materia
MP Up boosts the amount of MP a given character will have. You can find MP Up from the following locations:
- Purchasable from most item and materia shops starting in chapter nine
- Reward for “Combat Training: Red XIII” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
- Found in Mine Depths - Lower Layer of the Mythril Mines
- Earn an A-Rank in “Tifa’s Theme” on piano
- Found at Mt. Corel - Foot
- Reward for “Cosmo Canyon Region Intel: Level 2” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
Strength Up Materia
Strength Up boosts the Strength stat of a given character. You can find Strength Up from the following locations:
- Reward for “Corel Battle Intel: Sand Slitherers” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
Magic Up Materia
Magic Up boosts the Magic stat of any given character it’s equipped to. You can find Magic Up from the following location:
- Reward for “Cosmo Battle Intel: Antediluvian Memories” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
Vitality Up Materia
Vitality Up boosts a character’s Vitality stat, which in turn raises your defenses against physical attacks. You can find it in the following locations:
- Reward for “Grasslands Battle Intel: Plains Stalkers” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
- Reward for “Corel Battle Intel: Oh, Skewer” It in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
Spirit Up Materia
Spirit Up raises the Spirit stat of whichever character it’s equipped to, thereby raising their defense against magic attacks. You can find Spirit UP in the following location:
- Reward for “Junon Battle Intel: White Squall” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
- Reward for “Gongaga Battle Intel: Lethal Combo” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
Luck Up Materia
Luck Up materia raises your Luck stat, thereby increasing your chances of a critical hit and successful use of the Steal materia. You can find Luck Up at the following locations:
- Part of Cait Sith’s initial materia loadout
- Purchasable from most item and materia shops from chapter four onwards
- Reward for “Combat Training: Cait Sith” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
Speed Up Materia
Speed up raises a character’s Speed stat. You can find this materia at the following location:
- Reward for “Gongaga Battle Intel: Rooted” in the Planet in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
Gil Up Materia
Gil Up increases how much gil you earn from combat. You can find it at the following location:
- Purchasable at the Gold Saucer for 3,000 GP
EXP Up Materia
EXP up will double the amount of experience points you’ll earn from combat. It only works on a single character, not the Party Level. You can find EXP Up materia from the following location:
- Found in the Temple of the Ancients after crossing the gravity-defying waterfall
Item Master
Item Master juices the power of consumable items, making them more effective. You can find Item Master materia from the following locations:
- Purchasable from most item and materia vendors starting from chapter four
- At the Grasslands sea port (where you dock the Tiny Bronco)
- Reward for “Preliminary Trial: Bioselected Specimens” from the Shinra Manor Combat Simulator
Precision Defense Focus
Precision Defense Focus materia makes it easier to land a precision defense (when you block the second an attack hits you, rendering it ineffective). At max level, Precision Defense Focus materia can nullify binding attacks like “Throat Clamp” from wolves. You can find this materia from the following locations:
- Purchasable from most item and materia stores
- Part of Red XIII’s starting materia loadout
- Found in the Grasslands on an island in the northeast (you have to swim to it)
- Reward for “Combat Training: Yuffie” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
ATB Stagger
When you stagger an enemy, you’ll earn more ATB. ATB Stagger materia increases how much ATB you’ll earn when you stagger. You can find ATB Stagger materia in the following places:
- Develop with Chadley in the Junon Region (costs 30 points for the first, 60 for the second)
ATB Assist
ATB Assist can be a little confusing at first. Here’s how it works: Whenever you use the same ATB Ability back-to-back, your teammates will see their ATB meters increase a bit more. I like doing this with Tifa, since her animations are rather quick. Say you have two ATB meters for Tifa ready to go and you use Focused Strike twice in quick succession, your teammates will see their ATB meters raise as a result. You can find ATB Assist materia in the following locations:
- Develop with Chadley in the Nibel Region
Auto-Unique Ability
Auto-Unique Ability materia lets you put certain characters on auto-pilot, letting them use their Unique Ability (mapped to triangle) without actually switching to them and hitting triangle. You can find Auto-Unique Ability materia here:
- Develop with Chadley in the Grasslands Region (Costs 10 points for the first orb, 20 for the second)
Auto-Weapon Ability
Auto-Weapon Ability lets teammates you’re not controlling use their Weapon Abilities without needing to command them. Note that they will only use abilities assigned to command shortcuts, which is a maximum of four. You can find Auto-Weapon Ability materia here:
- Develop with Chadley in the Corel Region (15 points for the first orb, 30 for the next)
Synergy Support
Synergy Support adds a Synergy Ability charge to a character whenever another character uses a Synergy Ability. So if your party consists of Cloud, Barret, and Tifa, and you use Partners in Pain with Cloud and Barret while Tifa has the Synergy Support materia equipped, she’ll gain a Synergy Ability charge, moving you closer to executing a Synergy Ability with her. You can find Synergy Support materia here:
- Develop with Chadley in the Gongaga Region
Limit Support
When Limit Support materia is equipped on a character, any progress made to their Limit Break gauge will go to other teammates instead. Though it might be risky, equipping this to Aerith if you have other reliable ways to heal isn’t a bad idea. That said, every character’s Limit Breaks have their own uses you’ll want to consider for your playstyle. You can find Limit Support materia here:
- Develop with Chadley in the Meridian Ocean Region
Limit Siphon
A good alternative to Limit Support, Limit Siphon lets you pull from a filled Limit Break gauge on one character to fill another’s. Unlike Limit Support, this won’t cancel out the equipped character’s Limit Break, but can still allow you to share the Limit Break gauge as a resource. Say you have Cloud’s Limit Break gauge filled, but the party is getting low on health and Aerith’s Healing Wind is looking pretty essential. If she has Limit Siphon materia equipped, she can pull from Cloud’s Limit gauge to get closer to using her ability. You can find Limit Siphon materia from:
- Develop with Chadley in the Gongaga Region
First Strike
First Strike materia is pretty sweet. Not only does it boost your Luck stat (which increases how often you’ll land critical hits), but it will increase your ATB gauge at the start of a battle. This is a pretty essential for fights where you are only controlling one character at a time (I had this equipped to Aerith during her Beast Battleground fight to get her even closer to Radiant Ward at the start of the battle). You can find First Strike Materia here:
- Reward for “Grasslands Battle Intel: Horror on the Range” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
- Reward for “Grasslands Battle Intel: Flower of Destruction” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
Steadfast Block
Steadfast Block materia lowers enemy damage while blocking and fills your ATB gauge faster at the same time. You can find Steadfast Block materia from the following locations:
- Purchasable from most item and materia shops from chapter 6 onwards
- Reward for “Combat Training: Synergy” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
- Found in Park Central at the Gold Saucer
- Found in the Temple Ancients near Aerith’s party after the first separation
While you’ll have to hit up Chadley more than you’d probably care to for a lot of this materia, these resources can dramatically shift the nature of a fight that might otherwise put you at risk of landing at a game over screen.