While Final Fantasy VII Remake does include an updated take on the original game’s infamous crossdressing scene, there isn’t a way to play as Cloud in a dress throughout the game. Or, at least, not an official way. Thankfully, PC players who want Cloud to keep rockin’ his feminine side have options, like this PC mod from Nexus Mods, which gives our golden boy a flowy dress, gorgeous locks, and a cute tiara. That’s not the only available mod for the game’s PC port that gives Cloud some stunning feminine fashion options, however, as evidenced by YouTuber Suzi Hunter.
Read More: Cloud Always Wears A Dress In This Final Fantasy VII Mod
Hunter tweeted several images of Cloud in a variety of dresses, including a sexy red-and-black one, a princess-like pink one, and a short blue one. As you can imagine, the tweet blew up for all the right reasons, and I’m in love.
See, Cloud was already a beautiful boy. His facial features, perfectly oval face and pointed jaw, plus his amazing hair and captivating Mako eyes, make him a sight for sore eyes. Or any eyes, let’s be honest. But these mods—one of which is called Cosplaying Cloud, which dresses our mercenary up as Bowsette or Booette—turn him into a hot femboy.
As you can see, Cloud is incredibly hot in the above images. His makeup’s on point, the dresses are striking, and everything seems to go well together. Folks are loving how adorable Cloud looks in these getups, and if I’m being honest here, I’m salivating at the mouth over how he looks. He’s stunning, honey! I may be married, but I am bisexual, too, and I’d totally drop my partner for Cloud if he were real, dress or not. (Please don’t tell my partner, she’d probably be pissed. Hi baby, I love you! Don’t leave me.)
We’ve reached out to Suzi Hunter for comment and will update if we hear back.
The image of Cloud in a dress has always been controversial ever since players first experienced the original Final Fantasy VII’s crossdressing scene back in 1997. While in-game NPCs are never overtly hostile toward Cloud in a dress, some members of the community were uncomfortable seeing their stoic hero in feminine attire, even if he wore it begrudgingly. While it could be perceived as a “joke” punching down at men who don’t conform to rigid gender expectations, I always thought of it as progressive, a nod to the real-world drag community and effeminate boys, like me, who sorta like women’s clothing.
Read More: Worth Reading: A Close Look At Final Fantasy VII’s Crossdressing Scene
So yeah, Cloud is hot. And he’s even hotter in a dress. Who knew? You know what’s not hot? This Sephiroth mod that turns him into Ronald McDonald. I’ll probably have nightmares of this, with “One-Winged Angel” playing in the background as a McRib descends onto my consciousness.