We are getting a big, new version of Justice League, a movie that nobody really loved and you probably forgot about already. And, for some reason, Zack Snyder is changing Steppenwolf, the big bad guy of the film, and giving him spikes. Lots of spikes.
Your challenge this week: Have some fun with this new Steppenwolf.
I liked Justice Leauge more than Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice. For one, it didn’t have a terrible and stupid name! Also, the Justice League had some personality and character arcs. They were minor and not great, but it was better than the 3 hours of brooding, yelling, and killing that was BvS. Now though, Justice League is going to be longer and probably more sad and dark, which is exactly what folks wanted...
Anyway, to help you all out I’ve cut out the new Steppenwolf and also cut out his face. As always, you don’t deserve my love after making the things you make.

Next week, I won’t be picking a winner! I’m taking the holiday weekend off. So you have extra time to create your images. Use it wisely.
Please note that the image submission rules have changed just a little bit. We’re looking for images that are 800 pixels wide now!
How To Submit — Instructions
1. Create your ‘Shop and save it to your desktop. Images must be at least 800 pixels wide.
2. Go to the bottom of this post
3. This brings up a comment window. Click “Choose file” if you’re uploading your ‘shop from your desktop
4. Alternatively, you can upload the ‘Shop to a free image hosting service. I suggest imgur. Then paste the image’s URL into the field that says “Image URL.” Note: this must be the URL of the image itself, not the page where it is displayed. That means the URL ends in .jpg, .gif, .png, whatever.
5. Add editorial commentary and hit submit and your image will load. If it doesn’t, upload the image to imgur and paste the image URL as a comment. I will look at it.
6. Large-size images may not upload properly, though we have seen some animated .gifs upwards of 5 MB. If you’re still having trouble uploading the image, try to keep its longest dimension (horizontal or vertical) under 1000 pixels, or the whole thing under 2 MB.