Following the latest round of complaints over poor ownership and a “toxic” office culture, the workers at the company behind Cards Against Humanity have decided to unionise.
In a statement released earlier today, Cards Against Humanity Workers United announced that they had signed up with Chicago and Midwest Regional Joint Board, and are “optimistic” that the owners of the company will voluntarily recognise their decision.
“We have failed to make our anti-racist and anti-bigoted values explicitly clear”, CAHWU’s statement says. “Within the walls of our office, the trust between the staff and ownership has been eroded from years of abusive management. For too long, our employees have been kept in precarious, powerless, and outright toxic conditions.”
Citing other unionisation efforts at companies like Kickstarter and Gawker, they say one of their first orders of business will be to ensure the company’s contracted employees have the right to take up official employment, with all the benefits that includes.