This October, Nintendo will once again hold a dedicated game expo in Kyoto, Japan. It’s called Nintendo Live 2019 Kyoto.
Last year’s event was called Nintendo Live 2018 Tokyo and was held in, wait for it, Tokyo.
The expo will have game tournaments, stage events and playable demos of new games. Included in the stage events are a Splatoon music show and a Super Mario Maker 2 stage show with the Osaka comedy duo Yoiko, which includes Shinya Arino of Game Center CX fame.
Included in the game tournaments are Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Splatoon 2 and Super Mario Maker 2. The winners of a Nintendo Labo contest will also be on display.
The playable demos have not been yet announced.
Nintendo Live might remind longtime Nintendo fans of the Space World expos, which were held from 1989 to 2001. Nintendo does not attend the Tokyo Game Show so Nintendo Live might be a good way for the company to connect with its fans in Japan.
Nintendo Live 2019 Kyoto will be held on October 13 and 14 at the Kyoto International Conference Center.