Today on Highlight Reel we have badly timed charges, glitched flags, powerful crossbows, and much more!
Watch the video then talk about your favorite highlight in the comments below. Be sure to check out, like, and share the original videos via the links below. Subscribe to Kotaku on YouTube for more!
- Uncharted 4 - When Uncharted 4 turns into Dragon Ball Z - Sgt GoldRush
- Deus Ex - Meanwhile in Deus Ex... Dat-Mudkip
- Final Fantasy XV - Prompto’s Bad Hair Day - The Hawke
- Skyrim - A little rough around the edges - Stormwindsurge
- Overwatch - Look both ways before going into traffic -KCSat0m1k
- Overwatch - Timothy
- Rainbow Six Siege - If only everyone was a good sport like this guy - TheDevilYou_Know
- Rainbow Six Siege - I thought to myself, “better go out with a fight.” -Troy45t
- Titanfall 2 - what? how? ...oh. - Ahab Jr
- Titanfall 2 - Tone is fine - JeaneJWE
- Titanfall 2 - Tone is fine I said! - JeaneJWE
- Battlefield 1 - johnsolo42
- Battlefield 1 - Thanks Dice - Its Clutchyy
- Battlefield 1 - I just killed an army with a crossbow - (direct file) PoisenStrenght
- Battlefield 1 - Bayonetted To Hell - BulkDarthDan
- Battlefield 1 - Airplane Pile Up - Mr Squirrel
- Battlefield 1 - MrNewking
- Battlefield 1 - Liam Warr (PSN: Liamwarr)
- Watch Dogs 2 - Security car glitch - jennytellia
Highlight Reel is Kotaku’s regular roundup of great plays, stunts, records and other great moments from around the gaming world. If you record an amazing feat while playing a game (here’s how to record a clip), send it to us with a message confirming that the clip is yours at Or, if you see a great clip around that isn’t yours, encourage that person to send it in!