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Pokémon Go Spawn Rates In One Convenient Fan Chart

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One of Pokémon Go’s many, many mysteries is Pokémon spawn rates. What’s the chance that a Bulbasaur will appear in yonder bushes? How often will I encounter Mr. Mime? (Spoiler: .0031% of the time).

This morning, Pokémon Go Hub published a Pokémon Go spawn rate chart using over 100 million data points from Poké Radar’s “prediction algorithm dataset.” (Update 8/28/16, 5:40pm— This chart was originally published on 8/24/16 at Pokemon Go Champ.) In their words, it is “highly accurate.” Because Pokémon spawn rates fluctuate depending on where you live, this dataset doesn’t necessarily reflect your specific location’s Pokémon-spawning frequency. But looking at the overall averages is super interesting.

Out of every 1,000 Pokémon encountered, one will be a Kabuto. Peak Growlithe strikes at 3:57 am. Psyduck’s spawn rate is 2.54%, although I hear he’s extremely common some places and quite rare in others.


The chart measures (in order) Pokémons’ spawn chance, average spawns per 10,000 Pokémon and most active spawn times.


If you’re one of the remaining Pokémasters braving the app’s continual bugs and glitches, you might be interested to know that. . . .


Pidgey is more common than Rattata

After the non-existent “legendary” Pokémon, Dragonite is the least common

The next-least-common Pokémon are. . .

Gyarados has the same spawn rate as Kabutops

Male Nidorans are less common than female Nidorans

And, out of every 10,000 Pokémon, there will be 21 Pikachus

Use this information as you wish! Go forth and . . . play your buggy game.