Today on Highlight Reel we have massive car crashes, awesome motorcycles, sad supermen, ground pound denial, and much more!
Watch the video above, then talk about your favorite highlight in the comments below. Be sure to check out, like, and share the original videos via the links below.
- Metal Gear Online - superman having a rough landing day - horizoniki
- Metal Gear Solid V - Holy crap them clones everywhere - horizoniki
- Just Cause 3 - Ouchie-wawa - flamingaxelburn
- Just Cause 3 - Bike stunt - ZeCanadian
- Forza Motorsport 6 - IMSA Implosion - PJ Tierney
- Star Wars: Battlefront - AT- ST called in for air support - HateSauc3
- Halo 5 - BOING!- Inqui117
- Halo 5 - Party Pooper - Inqui117
- Black Ops 3 - Blind shot - ChuckLez
- Rocket League - Flying V - The Plague
- Rocket League - Pool Save - ShaunOfNintendo
- Destiny - How the what even is happened?! - Catfish Biscuit
- Fallout 4 - Having some trouble swimming? - Pat Healy
- Fallout 4 - NAILED IT!!! - NOVAGRHYME
- Fallout 4 - Outta my house, stinkin’ brahmin! - Kelvin Manbottom
- Fallout 4 - Glitch - MBzk K
- Fallout 4 - They won’t know what hit ‘em - Phenomdozer5
- Fallout 4 - Sneaky Sneaky Sarge - Patrick Clark
- Fallout 4 - Something WAS out there…- Ryan Gebhart
- Fallout 4 - Taking Down A Vertibird with a Deathclaw - WHITEHOTACTION
Highlight Reel is Kotaku’s regular roundup of great plays, stunts, records and other great moments from around the gaming world. If you record an amazing feat while playing a game, send it to us (with a message confirming that it’s yours!) at