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Mod Turns Fallout 4's Creepy Mannequins Into Flamingos

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Fallout 4’s wasteland holds many secrets—and also many more not-so-secrets. Case in point: creepy-ass mannequins are goddamn everywhere.

Finding themselves in unanimous agreement with every other member of sane society, modder Hilliary decided this was not OK. Their solution? Lawn flamingos, naturally. Thus, the Mannequin Be-gone (Rise of the Flamingos) mod was born. It replaces every mannequin in Fallout 4 with a corresponding lawn flamingo. Hilliary explained:

“I made this for myself and have been using it for a while with no issues. I figured at least one other person would appreciate it, so here we are. Why did I make this? Because I have automatonophobia and Bethesda’s over-enthusiasm with mannequins in FO4 stresses me out :’)))))”

So there we go. Maybe now you won’t waste so much ammo on freaky non-people standing deadly still in your peripheral vision. Problem solved!


Except... well, I’m envisioning a room full of dingy, dead-eyed plastic flamingos right now, and it’s not exactly comforting. Next time, how about replacing the mannequins with something less unnerving? Like bears.

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