Today on Highlight Reel we have a strong right hook at the Battle of Hoth, lucky and skillful headshots, skeletons, decoys and much more!
Watch the video above, then link any of your favorite highlights in the comments, and be sure to check out, like and subscribe the original videos via the links below.
- FIFA 16 - Fifa just screwed one beard! - Two Beards
- NBA 2k16 - JR Smith Glitchy rainbow trick shot - Jono Kees
- MGO - lucky headshot - CPC 691
- MGO - Quick-Switch Stun - SolidGamerSnake
- MGSV - fun with decoys - Pingmo (direct submission)
- Destiny- Crucible: Hunter Teamwork - Smash and Grab
- Rocket League - Anticipation is Key - LordofPwn
- Uncharted: NDC - God Dammit Drake - Chief onioN™
- Uncharted: NDC -Ummm, Sully? O.O - ADemonicShadow Fear Thy Magic
- Bedlam - Skeletons going wild - Baboy
- Battlefront - punched an ATAT to death - Alec Layman
- Mad Max - Super Shotgun - 3kycat
- GTA V - The Gauntlet - Abstract Mode
Highlight Reel is Kotaku’s regular roundup of great plays, stunts, records and other great moments from around the gaming world. If you record an amazing feat while playing a game, let us know at