Today on Highlight Reel we have Luke Skywalker force pushing a snowtrooper into a TIE fighter, Metal Gear meets WWE, Nathan Drake, rad stoppies, and more!
Watch the video above, then link any of your favorite highlights in the comments, and be sure to check out, like and subscribe the original videos via the links below.
- Witcher 3 - Walking tall - Vengahr
- Witcher 3 - keep calm and ride on - MJCloud
- Destiny - Destiny Demotivational Moment - KevinWK
- Destiny -I deserved that - jason tran
- Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection - your arm ok? - K LINE / Matthew Greenler
- Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection - drake can’t even - Benjamin Pollhein
- Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection - Behind us! - ColeusRattus
- MGO - Across the map elocator headshot - TheNaxHiri
- MGSV - Snake makes a Stoppie. - Pacifrince
- MGSV - The Winning Maneuver - Dudes Hanging Lopsided
- Rocket League - Rocket League - two car save - Scott Rothman
- Battlefront Beta- Unexpected Victory - Gordon Freeman
- Battlefront Beta - ATAT piggyback - Gloomish
- Battlefront Beta- Double Snipe - Wiener The Pooh
- Battlefront Beta - That moment when you realize who you’re chasing Turtlepuck
- Battlefront Beta - takedown Jedi style - budape
Highlight Reel is Kotaku’s regular roundup of great plays, stunts, records and other great moments from around the gaming world. If you see or record an amazing feat while playing a game or watching a stream, let us know at