Mobius Final Fantasy (previously Mevius Final Fantasy) is the latest official Final Fantasy game. It’s a turn-based-with-an-element-of-tactics combat-centric game for iOS and Android platforms.
In Mobius Final Fantasy, you play the part of Wal – or whatever you decide to name him – an amnesiac protagonist, tossed into the world of Paramitia. There he is told by a spectral voice, literally named “voice”, that one with his name is prophesized to be the “Hero of Light” and savior of the world. As he begins his journey, he quickly discovers that there are others like himself who have also been prophesized as the “Hero of Light” and comes to the conclusion that while all are said to become the savior, only one will. Somewhat reluctant and unsure, Wal heads off to fulfill his destiny.
How It Works
As stated above, Mobius Final Fantasy is exceedingly combat-centric. You move across the map from node to node. Every node you move to offers a sequence of battles that you much win before unlocking the next node and moving ahead. Achieving victory at certain nodes will progress the game’s story.
You can teleport to large nodes which makes things easier when you have to backtrack or want to train or need certain key items required for unlocking specific nodes.
A couple of the notable features in Mobius Final Fantasy are the elements and jobs. This is where tactics come into play. There are six opposing elements: Fire and water, wind and earth, and the rarest, light and shadow. As anyone familiar with RPGs can probably tell, the elements are paired off, much like in Final Fantasy X where each element is strong against its opposite, i.e. a fire attack deals more damage to a water enemy and a water attack will deal more damage to a fire enemy.
Each job your character can assume can use only three of the available elements. For example, a fighter can use fire, water, and earth, whereas a mage can use fire, water, and wind. Switching around your job depending on the enemy types you’ll be facing in any particular node is the basic strategy.
Each job can equip up to four ability cards. The combined level of the ability cards determines the level of that job.
The controls in combat are fairly straight-forward: You have an enemy selected and tapping the screen will execute a basic physical attack. Every time you hit an enemy with a physical attack, they release element spheres that can be used to execute the special attacks of your character’s equipped ability cards.
Special attacks are not only element-based for more effective – or less effective if you’ve chosen poorly – attacks, but will largely weaken an enemy’s break gauge against physical attacks. Fully depleting an enemy’s break gauge will “break” them, briefly knocking them off balance to where your attacks will do bonus damage. Some enemies can only be effectively damaged when “broken.”
There’s a lot more details in the type of ability cards and items and whatnot, but that’s a very basic overview of the game.
One thing that does bear mentioning is that the game looks absolutely amazing. There’s actually a “standard” and “high quality” version depending on your graphics preferences.
Looking at the trailers, what you see is what you get. I was actually expecting more pre-rendered cutscenes, but everything is in-engine and very pretty. But as we have often learned, pretty does not necessarily a good game make...
So, Is It Fun?
Well, yes and no. The combat is basically all there is. Strip away the gorgeous graphics and the game isn’t all that different from Final Fantasy Record Keeper – not that that’s a bad thing. The game has a very casual play-to-kill-time feel to it and while the element-based tactics do keep you on your toes, overall it can feel a little monotonous after a while.
If you are looking for a classic, deep, plot-heavy JRPG, this game is not that – at least not yet, they’ve got more chapters to release. But if you want a casual, engaging, very pretty, combat game, then give Mobius Final Fantasy a try.
The game is also a free-to-play game which means there’s a stamina system that limits how much you can play as well as the drawing, leveling, and merging of cards.
Also, while being categorized as an RPG, the game is rather light on the story elements. This may be because the game was just released and Square Enix plans to continuously add to the story in future updates, but as it stands, it makes the game in its current state very bland with questions, but no answers in sight. At present, the second chapter has just been released.
Mobius Final Fantasy is currently only available in Japanese for Android and iOS platforms. No word on when exactly an English version will be available, but give them time.
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