"You can't win the game. It only exists to destroy your mind."
Made by Tom 7 as part of the Ludum Dare 31 game jam—whose theme was "entire game on one screen"—Entire Screen of One Game is a simple platformer (more of an interactive novelty, really) where you play as a little block... that turns out to be a level. Then the camera pulls out and you're playing as the level you were just in. Then it pulls out more and you're playing as the level that level was in. All the while, all the increasingly, infinitely tiny blocks/levels move with your commands.
At this point, your brain will crack open as though a brittle egg containing a baby bird. Upon seeing the sun's light for the first time in its life, this infant avian will shriek and attempt to recede into its cranial meat shelter. Unfortunately it will find that light now pierces its once impregnable home. There is no turning back.
I assure you, this is all perfectly normal when you're playing Entire Screen of One Game. Try it for free here.