In today's Highlight Reel we have some great shots in Battlefield, the randomness of Far Cry 4, and a new way to drink courtesy of Michael in Grand Theft Auto V.
Watch the video above, then link any of your favorite highlights in the comments, and be sure to check out, like and subscribe the original videos via the links below.
- BF4 - Across The Map RPG On Jet - MrSquidHD
- Battlefield 4 - .44 Swagnum - schwat
- how to melee a captain - strich09
- Solo Nightfall plays with my emotions. - Rhythmism
- Far cry 4: Guard just can't see me - Romire Entertainment
- Make sure you fully stop before leaving - Erosis
- GTA V Michael The Multitasker - Curballs
- GTA V - LSPD In Action - intelligentblue
- GTA V Timelapse Pt1 (PS4 Gameplay) - iLoveYourFace