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Fan Film Trailers Show A War-Torn Half-Life Earth

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The pair of trailers are for a Half-Life short called "The Fall Down Of Evolution." Created by Turkish director and VFX artist Tiber Ergür, it will tell the tale of a young soldier as he tries to survive the Combine invasion of Earth during the Seven Hour War—but for now, all we have is two really great teasers.

First up is the "Evolution" teaser. It is fairly low-key, and presents a more thoughtful, if sinister, view of the invasion:

The second one is kinda terrifying. Fittingly, it's the called the "Aggressive" teaser:


The progress chart on the film's official website shows that there's quite a long way to go until the finish line. Still, if you liked the trailers, you might wanna keep an eye on it for updates.

Half-Life: The Fall Down Of Evolution Teaser 1 & Teaser 2 [Vimeo, via DSOGaming]

Half-Life: The Fall Down Of Evolution [Official Site]

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