Earlier this year, CCP Games announced that it would be building a monument to the players of EVE Online, to celebrate ten years since the release of the game. Well, today it's finally done.
The monument was announced earlier this year, and is being revealed today, the day before EVE Fanfest. Redditor Thorshamar has posted a few pictures of the monument, which has the names of every EVE player who was active on March 1st, 2014 engraved on its surface.
In addition to all active EVE players, the monument will also include the names of EVE players who have died in real life, including the well-known player Sean Smith a.k.a. "Vile Rat", who was killed in the attack on Benghazi.
The monument also includes an app that lets you find a particular name amongst the thousands engraved there, and a time capsule buried underneath. The time capsule contains a laptop with messages from EVE players, and will be opened 25 years from it's placement, on May 6th, 2039.
If you're an EVE player, you can try and zoom in on the pictures below and find your name. Of course, this is only one section of the statue, and apparently the names aren't in alphabetical order.
You can search for a name with the web app here. (Thanks Slayorwrath!)
UPDATE: Less than 24 hours later, it's already been defaced with what looks like a Goonswarm sticker.