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Someone's Pretending To Be Obama While Playing Titanfall

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Probably the best thing about these videos from GameSocietyPimps is that everyone involved is such a good sport. Often these "character plays a multiplayer first-person shooter" pranks lean toward the cruder side, but this impression artist stays in fairly true character. Imagine Key & Peele's Obama skit but a little less...angry.

But in these rounds, the audience participates by asking topical questions and "President Obama"—aka voice manipulator Jason Stephens (on Twitter here)—answers them with the right balance of humor and relevance. It's fun to see everyone getting along so well and enjoying each other's company.


Here's part two where he gets into the topic of aliens, gun control and the military:

And here's the most recent clip, which, actually, seems to be the least funny one:

And don't forget, that Affordable Care Act open enrollment deadline is approaching!


GameSocietyPimps is made up of Aaron Yonda, Emre Cihangir, and Adam Koralik. This particular video was voiced by Jason Stephens.

To contact the author of this post, write to or find her on Twitter at @tinaamini.