This much. Actually, a bit more. They couldn't fit everything on one photo.
Over at Ebay, Grithiffth's Games Megamart is selling what they call the "Ultimate Nintendo World Championships 1990 Collection." This includes:
- NWC 1990 Grey Cart #305
- NWC 1990 Denver 11 & Under Trophy
- NWC 1990 Denver 11 & Under Nameplate/Plaque
- Certificate of Authenticity (including photos from the previous point of sale)
- NWC 1990 Event Poster
- NWC 1990 Yellow Semi-Finalist Shirt
- NWC 1990 Semi-Finalist Badge
- NWC 1990 VIP TC (Travel Companion) Badge
- NWC 1990 VIP Guest Badge
- NWC 1990 Quarter Finalist Gold Sticker
- NWC 1990 Ticket – Portland
- NWC 1990 Ticket – Oakland
- NWC 1990 Folder
- NWC 1990 Flyer
- NWC 1990 White "I Mastered Them All" Shirt
- NWC 1990 Black Hat
- NWC 1990 Insider's Guide
- Powerfest 1990 Guide
- The Wizard Pocket Power Guide
- One (1) Large Plush Mario Doll
- One (1) Small Plush Mario Doll
- Two (2) Small Plush Luigi Dolls
The Nintendo World Championships Cart might sound familiar; indeed, we have seen a few of those up for auction already. But this seems like the motherlode.
The asking price is $50,000 for the whole lot. Eccentric millionaires or CEOs with fond memories of childhood gaming, this one's for you.
The Ultimate NWC Collection [Ebay, thanks Jose!]
Questions? Comments? Contact the author of this post at andras-AT-kotaku-DOT-com.