Why spend all your time at school studying? Especially when you can spend your time drawing on blackboards.
Last year, Kotaku first covered three Japanese high school students who were causing waves online with their chalk art.
After class or during recess, they would draw anime and manga characters, making brilliant use of negative space. Since they used the chalkboard at the back of their classroom, it seems like their teacher allowed their creativity to flourish.
Here you can see how they created these wonderful works.
And here is a sample of what they created:
Here is more chalk art, including work spotted at other Japanese schools by other artists.
Cosplayer Lupica posted The Last Supper chalk drawing late last year.
It was retweeted over ten thousand times.
Photos: k_ami_c, k_ami_c, k_ami_c, ponkechu, k_ami_c, k_ami_c, k_ami_c, k_ami_c, mogepoyoABC, k_ami_c, k_ami_c, wakuta, k_ami_c, wakuta, ziburi_no_mori, unyai0819, LUPICA426
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