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You Won't Believe How Much Someone Paid For One Digital Gun

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Never underestimate how much someone is willing to spend on a digital item they can use in a game. First, we had the people who paid way too much for weed emoticons and digital stickers. This time, we've got someone that paid nearly $200 for a digital gun (pictured above) from Counter Strike: Global Offensive.

Here's the graph taken from the Steam Marketplace to prove it—this was first spotted by Generalvivi on Reddit:

Typically, the gun goes for less than 3 dollars. Which is to say, this person paid like what, sixty times the normal asking price? Could be that there's some piece missing here from the story that we don't get to see, like maybe they actually paid for a bevy of other items in one go. Could be that this person thought this gun was worth way more than a few bucks. Who knows! Hopefully the purchase was worth it, though.
