Later today, Xbox Japan is holding a special event in Tokyo with game developer Capcom. The event was teased last week with an image that simply read:
Capcom x Microsoft
But what is this new title? There is a scan floating around that purports to announce Monster Hunter Frontier for the Xbox 360 — the scan, however, is suspect. It does bring up an interesting concept: Online PC title Monster Hunter Frontier on the Xbox 360.
The port would seem logical; however, this is still entirely unconfirmed. (Wait until the official announcement later today!) But if it's not Monster Hunter Frontier, what could be?
Monster Hunter Tri
Originally announced for the PS3, the Wii game did not sell as well as hoped. Capcom has shown the ability to port games from the Xbox 360 to the Wii (Dead Rising, anyone?), so porting an HD version to the Wii could breath more life in the title.
Captain Commando HD
Going through all the titles that Capcom has remade of late, there is one gaping hole: Side-scrolling beat 'em up Captain Commando. The game has gotten re-releases in the last decade, indicating that there is still interest in the title.
Final Fight HD
Okay, I lied. There is another gaping hole: side-scrolling beat 'em up Final Fight. We've forgiven you for the travesty that was 2006's Final Fight: Streetwise!
Duck Tails HD
Please? The game was originally released in 1989. It's fantastic.
Devil Kings 3
The series is huge in Japan, where it is known as Sengoku Basara, and it has even spawned a stage play. Devil Kings 3 has been announced for the Wii and the PS3 this spring. How about the Xbox 360?
The series is overdue for a sequel with the last title hitting the PS2 back in 2006. The franchise is one of Capcom's biggest, so we doubt it would go exclusive.
Capcom vs. SOMEONE
Who can Capcom fight next?
Brand New Title
It will be something we've never heard of and released on the Xbox 360 — a timed exclusive. Then several months later, it will appear on the PS3 with extra content and characters.