It was time for spring cleaning in my household, so I am getting rid of these games.
I try to possess as few video games as possible, because it is my dream to only own masterpieces. I haven't achieved this dream yet — hey, I can't bring myself to get rid of Geist, okay? But I did manage to eliminate about a fifth of my video game collection this weekend. Bear in mind that, as someone who covers games for a living, I get a lot of discs sent to me that I would not choose to buy; among those are some I will mess around with and decide to either keep or get rid of.
You may look at this tower of games and find reasons to disagree with me. If you must question my judgment, please consider the following reasons some of these games are leaving the Totilo household:
Some games were made obsolete by their sequels: Viva Pinata, Endless Ocean, Resistance: Fall of Man, Geometry Wars: Galaxies, etc.
Some games I don't care for as much as their predecessors, which I'm holding on to: New Play Control Pikmin, No More Heroes 2, etc.
Some games are duplicates of games I still own: God of War (I have the PS3 collection), Crysis Warhead (I have it on Steam), etc.
Some games are Mario Kart, and I realize that I never play Mario Kart: Mario Kart DS
Some games I like, but really, I'm never ever going to go back to them: Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword, Order Up!, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway, etc.
Some games I tried, I really did, and I just don't feel motivated to play any more of them: Valkyria Chronicles, Rogue Galaxy, Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, Mini Ninjas, etc.
Sometimes I make mistakes: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PC (Whoops! I realize as I write this that I was hanging on to that because it has the Hot Coffee material buried in it; I shouldn't have put that in the stack... it's a keeper, for historical reasons even though I'll only ever play the PS2 version.)
I have other reasons for some of these other games, but that's enough for now.
*Special Asterisk To All This: Either Advance Wars: Dual Strike or Advance Wars: Days of Ruin should have been in this stack, but I can't decide which one to get rid of. I asked folks for advice on Twitter and the response was plentiful but mixed.