As we told you this morning, Microsoft is releasing a compilation of Rare games for Xbox One. It’s called Rare Replay and it’ll cost you just $30. For 30 games. Not bad!
Here’s a list of every game:
- Atic Atac
- Banjo-Kazooie
- Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts
- Banjo-Tooie
- Battletoads
- Battletoads Arcade
- Blast Corps
- Cobra Triangle
- Conker’s Bad Fur Day
- Digger T Rock
- Grabbed By The Ghoulies
- Gunfright
- Jet Force Gemini
- Jetpac
- Jetpac Refuelled
- Kameo
- Killer Instinct Gold
- Knight Lore
- Lunar Jetman
- Perfect Dark
- Perfect Dark Zero
- RC Pro-Am
- RC PRo-Am II
- Sabre Wulf
- Slalom
- Snake Rattle N Roll
- Solar Jetman
- Underwurlde
- Viva Pinata
- Vita Pinata: Trouble In Paradise
Rare Replay is out August 4.