Say hello to Color Shift Hot Dog, the exclusive E3 2013 Skylanders toy Activision will be giving out at their Skylanders: Swap Force area when the show opens tomorrow. Shortly after that he'll be on eBay for several hundred dollars.
Not this one, mind you. While he does look quite fetching in his packaging...
...I could never keep the cute little bastard cooped up in a plastic bubble.
Freedom suits Hot Dog, allowing him to strut his color-shifting stuff. Brushed with two different colors of metallic paint, in some lights he looks like this:
And in other lights he looks like this:
He's almost a metallic amalgam of the Hot Dogs that came before him.
Look for color-shifting Hot Dog all over eBay before the week is through.
Update: Andy Robertson, my favorite GeekDadGamer from across the pond, has an unboxing of the exclusive Hot Dog featuring his adorable children. Mine would have just eaten it.