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The 60GB 360 Rumor Rides Again

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More rumours, Microsoft-style. If you'll remember a few weeks back, we heard that the 20GB 360 might be on the way out, to be replaced with a 60GB unit. Today, Xbox Family have posted what they claim is a GameStop distributor's email, which if correct provides a few more details on the rumoured move. According to the email, the 60GB unit - which will replace the 20GB model - will indeed be released to the market in July, and will be followed by a standalone 60GB HDD in October/November, which will retail for $100 and come with 3 months of Xbox Live and a headset. No confirmation on this, of course, but if Robbie Bach gets up next week and says all that to the accompaniment of some large, green powerpoint slides, try and at least act surprised.

Leaked Info on 60gb Starter Kit and 20gb's Death [Xbox Family]