The name of Metroid's star's name is Samus Aran. The name of soccer's greatest player is Pelé. But that's not his…
Nintendo wanted to sell a million copies of Metroid: Other M, which wasn't a bad game. They won't, not by the end of…
Samus Aran is one of gaming's iconic female characters. She wasn't always a female, though. Metroid co-creator…
Is your mouth open? If it's closed, watch out, because Nintendo's next console will make you all slack jawed. But…

The people behind Wii title Metroid: Other M provide an in-depth, behind the scenes look at the forthcoming…
Metroid series lead and co-creator Yoshio Sakamoto teaches us something we never knew we never knew. Intergalactic…
Game Boy creator Gunpei Yokoi's philosophy on what it takes to make a game, as explained to Metroid co-creator…
Playing through a section of Metroid: Other M last week, I couldn't help but notice that the Wii title felt at times…
While Metroid: Other M may feel like a departure for the series in the way it plays and the influences brought in…
Yoshio Sakamoto is visiting San Francisco's Game Developers Conference to talk up the latest, he says greatest,…
Yoshio Sakamoto, one of the creators behind popular Nintendo platformer Kid Icarus, says Nintendo hasn't ruled out…
How does Metroid producer Yoshio Sakamoto explain his Nintendo DS megahit Tomodachi Collection—still a Japan-only…
Yoshio Sakamoto, the Metroid co-creator and WarioWare producer, says that his latest game, Metroid: Other M, was…
Looking forward to Metroid: Other M? Then take note. This year's Game Developers Conference adds one more…
When last we left off, Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto was asking me to ask Metroid designer Yoshio Sakamoto when he…
Over the course of three days in Los Angeles earlier this month, one Kotaku reporter spoke to nine top industry…