The zombie is five steps away, you're cornered, and you've got one last bullet in the chamber. If you were just…
The Japanese game industry is dead. This week has been a flashback of last year's Tokyo Game Show — complete with gl…
Since the launch of both the DS and Wii, five games published by Nintendo have sold more than twenty million copies.…
The NPD Group has compiled fifteen years worth of video game sales in the United States, determining that Nintendo's…
An analysis by website Gamasutra of first-half sales figures for the three big gaming consoles shows that the Wii's…
Never mind what's at the bottom of this barrel, here's a list of 29 Wii games from Nintendo and the amount of hours…
Wii Fit. Well, fastest game to reach half a million copies sold, that is.
The answer to the question "What was 2008's bestselling game in the U.S.?" is "Wii Play." Or is it? What about all…
To be honest, we're still not sure. The NPD Group released data for the "Top Selling Games Annual 2008" with Wii Play…
Call of Duty: World at War couldn't win the battle against the Wii in December, selling 150,000 units shy of Wii Play…
Nintendo's seemingly insurmountable lead in the U.S. became less "seemingly" in December, if EEDAR analyst Jesse…
Nintendo also announced its software sales data in its Q1 FY3/09 statement. In Q1, Nintendo DS software sales were…