Indie games make up a crucial and vibrant part of the Switch’s great library of games, as evidenced by yesterday’s…
2018 has come and gone. As we do every year, Kotaku’s staff came together to play, consider, and debate the games…
In 2018, I enjoyed playing some excellent games from, uh, 2017. It’s too bad that 2017 Maddy didn’t play Assassin’s…
Another year, another feast of games to devour. Here are my 10 favorite games of 2018.
I played what felt like 1000 games in 2018, but I can only put ten of them on this list, so here we go.
2018 has been a blur for me. It may just be that I’m in the last year of my twenties, or it could be that extreme…
Another year, another nearly one hundred games played.
There were loads of good video games in 2018, and I sure played a lot of them.
While I spent a sizable chunk of 2018 in a hospital, I did manage to squeeze in time with some very good games.
Multi-national releases are a difficult process. Not only are there linguistic and cultural barriers to overcome,…
Each week throws off several new video game lists ranging from the humorous to the trivial. What's better? A list of…
Each week throws off several new video game lists ranging from the humorous to the trivial. What's better? A list of…
Each week throws off several new video game lists ranging from the humorous to the trivial. What's better? A list of…
Each week throws off several new video game lists ranging from the humorous to the trivial. What's better? A list of…